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Download The Most Recent Pizzicato Version

You can download here the most recent version that corresponds to your license.

According to your license number, the lastest version you can download / update for free is:

  • 4.0 (if your license number is equal or higher than 25000)
  • (*) (if your license number is equal or higher than 19000)
  • (if your license number is between 15589 and 18999)
  • (if your license number is between 12794 and 15588)
  • 3.3.1 (if your license number is between 12159 and 12793)
  • 3.2.3 (if your license number is between 10000 and 12158)
  • 2.0.7 (if your license number is between 1400 and 9999)

You can consult the modification history list by clicking here.

The installer that you will download in a moment contains in fact all needed files for that version, so you do not need to install a previous version for this installer to work. It is completely independent.

Please note that according to your license number, you will only be able to validate the version as listed here above.

Note that version 4.0 is a preliminary test version ("beta" version).  It can be installed independently of version 3.6 and you can then use both versions.  Version 4.0 is not yet fully stable and is still in test mode.  But it is possible to explore most features.

To download your upgrade:

  • Fill in your license number below
  • Specify the computer you are using (Windows or Macintosh)
  • Click on "Go to the download page" button

Latest intermediate upgrade

(*) Version - Fast upgrade

If you have Pizzicato 3.6.0, you can download below an intermediate upgrade.

It contains corrections of bugs recently found and/or new functions. This file is regularly updated, without the need to download a full installer.

Pizzicato 3.6 must be installed before you can use this upgrade. Install it without uninstalling the program. The corrected files will be replaced.

To download the upgrade for Windows:

  • Click on one of the following link (according to your Windows version) and choose to save the file, for instance on the desktop:
Download Pizzicato fast upgrade for Windows    For Windows 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (the most stable version presently)
  • Then, double-click the downloaded file and click on the first button, "No-Question-Asked-Installation". Then click on the "Thanks" button. That's it. You can start Pizzicato and you will see that it displays the revised version.

To download the update for Mac OS X:

  • Click on the following link and choose to save the file, for instance on the desktop:

Download Pizzicato fast upgrade for Mac

  • Then, unzip the file. Then :
  • Drag the file Pizzicato into the main Pizzicato 3.x folder (usually located in the Application folder) and confirm.
  • Drag the file Pizzi.res in the DataEN sub folder and confirm
  • Drag the files PizzicatoMenu.h and PizzicatoMenu.rc in the Data sub folder and confirm.
  • Drag the files insertTool.bmp and playMT.bmp into the Data / Bitmaps sub folder.
  • Drag the example files Ex100 to Ex106 into the DataEN / Examples sub folder.
  • Drag the Composition.piz file into the DataEN / Libraries / Music libraries / Basic libraries

You can start Pizzicato and you will see that it displays the revised version number.

If Pizzicato does not start on Mac OS Sierra, do the following:

- Keep the Pizzicato folder on the desktop (not in the Applications folder)
- Right click on the Pizzicato application (inside its folder) (or left click + Control) and choose to show the package content
- Go inside Contents / MacOS and double-click "Pizzicato".  It should start after a few seconds.
Warning : Pizzicato does not run on Catalina yet.


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